Computing On The Edge - 202349

Everything is vulnerable, Everything is Ok

If we want to stay sane, as builder of things, we should of course define purpose, but then also a budget.

Time, resources you are willing to pour into a project. Of course everything is vulnerable, but also it has to be put in perspective.

Not everything can afford to be perfect. And of course the contrary is also true: not everything is affordably implemented and sloppily supported.

The final answer to the cosmological questions is as always: it depends.

You are a bank, then you are supposed to put the money and the time. If you sell hotdogs at the corner, maybe your budget is different.

You are provider of some service: take into account the risk that your service is disrupted, than you incur into penalties and the customers are angry.

Then, define a budget that is a good trade-off between the different issues that you need to counter.

Nothing exists in a vacuum.

If you are a developer and you are implementing new systems you need tooling.

Tools to help you out being safe and deliver quality: not crappy autocompleters, not scaffolding generators if you haven't written them yourself.

You feel entitled and call your job "tech", but sometimes it's just a lot of copy and paste, if you cannot afford to put your mind to make a difference, that won't be discernible for sure.

Reading Tips for the week

Data Engineering

Getting started with tiered storage in Apache Kafka

My essential toolkit for local data manipulation

Designing Your Postgres Database for Multi-tenancy

Self Hosting

How to Extract Insightful Data From Proxy Protocol Packets