Computing On The Edge - 202347

Humanity At The Crossroads

A lot has been going on in the latest weeks, everyone seems to get busier and busier before going off for the holidays on the calendar.

The world tough seems to be very active on another bad type of activity.

Back 30 years ago, the story was said to be over: never trust the narrative of the power, it was just getting started, and heading the wrong way, of course.

We're back to square one, only older and bitter.

With some more wisdom to give to the world. Maybe.

Maybe not.

Regardeless of the scientific achievement and all the technological gifts, we're still a bad species for this planet as much as we are bad with each other.

Forget about the Singularity: we'll long have destroied ourselves, before the robots become a threat.

Before the machine become self-aware, we'd better become self-aware ourselves.

It is a very sad state of affairs, we no longer build liberating technologies, knowledge is no longer a drive, the modern doctor Faustus is rather playing with chatbots than questioning the primordial Chaos.

At some point someone has to say it: we want something different we want something better for ourselves than better tools to starve each other to death.

Reading Tips for the week

The Way To Go

Fourteen Years of Go

Go, Containers, and the Linux Scheduler

Data Engineering

Designing Your Postgres Database for Multi-tenancy

Rapid Data Exploration with DuckDB - An In-Depth Tutorial

Self Hosting

How To Export And Import KVM Virtual Machines In Linux

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