Computing On The Edge - 202340

Features vs Fixes

I do not understand the perfection as a value in itself.

Someone is striving for perfection in a craft, which I can understand up to a point, where the economics of delivering a perfect fix surpass the value of a service in itself for any given customer.

I want the best that is negotiable for myself, that does not mean the house door has to be of solid gold: making it of gold would be surpassing the value of use that I attribute to it.

In fact, any good-enough wood should do it, so that some random stranger does not pop up on my sofa at night.

Does it mean there should not be artisans aiming for better doors and decorations ?

Of course not: it's good and relieving that people out are inventing and perfecting all kind of brand new goods and technologies.

But that is not necessarily for me.

Arbitrarily good is not an optimization if you do not take into account the value that the recipient is giving to your service/software/product/whatever.

Arbitrarily good is actually bad in the end: that means you cannot listen, and you can get better at it.

Reading Tips for the week

Distributed Computing

All the performance changes in the JVM since Java/JDK/JVM 10

Boring Security

DKIM: rotate and publish your keys

[security] [git] [java]