Computing On The Edge - 202324

Common Sense Is a Bad Thing

Thinking that you are doing something good just because it is 'common sense' is probably a bad thing.

Most of the choices we make should be informed and deliberate, instead they are mostly taken because "that is what everyone else is doing".

It could just be that everybody else is right, and they are taking the right path.

This does not imply that the same choice is good for you.

This is quite maintenable in general, but doubly so when we are talking about technological choices.

Perhaps the most popular way to deploy services in production does not apply to your workflow.

Maybe, the same tools that Big Tech uses are not a fit for your use-cases.

Also, some database or arcane commandline that are used to reach global scale, might play nicely with your simple workflow: no tool is better than another in a vacuum, you need to explore and see.

Also, possibly have opinions and cut through the noise of what is trendy this year.

Boring Security

OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks – 2023

Self Hosting

Rate Limiting Fundamentals

8 Linux virsh subcommands for managing VMs on the command line

[api] [linux] [security]