The Weekly Dev - 202318

Social Experiments

I started putting together this weekly digest with the idea that it would be useful.

I just cut on the tempo of the week the regular intake of tech articles that regardless I'd be somewhat consuming.

Noting down URLs that I would bookmark anyway.

A quick description, a link and out of the way.

I don't claim much originality here.

We can take original discussions on top of it, if you wish.

I hate the idea that a social site of some sort would uniquely own (and forget) my content, therefore I self-host, in spite of the averse algorithm that governs the world.

While on one side - as described - it is not a big deal, on the other it is some sort of failed experiment, since it feels like throwing things in the black hole of the internet that seems to mostly care about memes and motivational quotes.

API Development

A detailed comparison of REST and gRPC compares two popular APIs, REST and gRPC, in terms of their architecture, performance, scalability, and ease of use. It explains how REST APIs use HTTP as their communication protocol and are based on a client-server model, while gRPC APIs use the Protocol Buffers data format and are based on a request-response model. The article also provides insights into when to use REST or gRPC and how to migrate from one to the other.

Boring security

Bot Protection with HAProxy explores the problem of bot traffic and how to protect web applications from malicious bots using HAProxy. It explains how bots can harm websites by consuming server resources, stealing sensitive information, and performing denial-of-service attacks. The article describes the techniques used by HAProxy to detect and block bot traffic, such as rate limiting, request analysis, and IP reputation checks.

Data Intensive Applications

Both Sides Now – How the Cloud is Different from Enterprise IT (and Why it Matters) highlights the key differences between traditional enterprise IT and cloud computing, and why it is essential for businesses to understand these differences. It explains how cloud computing offers advantages such as scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency, but also presents challenges related to security, compliance, and vendor lock-in. The article suggests strategies for businesses to address these challenges and make the most of the benefits of cloud computing.

[api] [security]