The Weekly Dev - 202315

Cycles Of Understanding

Some technology is just plain pointless. But you can't just say that to some developers.

We still need to pull through decade long cycles of hype before being able to just look at the drawbacks of some choice.

Someone sustains serious financial pain before the understanding begins to sink in.

This is likely not that much about technology, rather about us as humans.

It just happens so often, and in so many different contexts to fall in love with solution that do not have a problem.

There are possibly a number of cures to that, including the mindset of learning and adapting, establishing some feedback and considering the costs long-term.

It was only after two decades that we started recalling that the S in SOAP stood for Simple, and we're already forgetting the breath of fresh air, the simplicity that REST has brought us back.

The Way To Go

Explore functional programming concepts in Go, including higher-order functions, closures, and immutability. It explains how to use these concepts to write more concise and expressive code in Go. The article also discusses the benefits and drawbacks of functional programming in Go: Investigate Functional Programming Concepts in Go


Boring Security

Implications of hashing data, which is a common technique for protecting sensitive information. How hash functions work, how to choose a good hash function, and the risks of using hash functions for privacy-sensitive data. The article also provides recommendations for mitigating these risks: Privacy implications of hashing data


How to add authentication to any application using OAuth2 Proxy, an open-source reverse proxy that handles authentication and authorization for web applications. How OAuth2 Proxy works, how to set it up, and how to configure it for different use cases. Examples of using OAuth2 Proxy with popular web applications: Add Auth to Any App with OAuth2 Proxy


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