The Weekly Dev - 202246

Fear of Hypervisors

Not unlike how Lucretius described the Superstition springing out from the fear of thunder and lightning, the Cloud was born as a religion out of the Fear of Hypervisors.

We adore the Cloud and the elastic scalability out of ignorance and misunderstanding.

We can't see, therefore we cannot understand, the magic of KVM and Libvirt.

We can't see, and therefore do not understand what overcommitted resources actually mean. (Spoiler: it means you can pay 10x your actual physical resources usage)

The thunder gods gave us disposable instances, scalable magic and other heavenly clouds.

Tough, the Original Sin of the Shared Responsibility Model is still there: we won't be saved from someone else alone taking care of our own data.

We delegate but still are responsible for our customers data.

We won't be saved by ignorance as, when the thunder gods will decide to unplug humanity, we will need to re-learn it all again.

It has happened before, and it will happen again.

Boring Security

mac2vendor OUI Database Lookup


LetsEncrypt with HAProxy


Self Hosting

How to Connect KVM VM to Host Network


How to reset forgotten root password for Linux KVM qcow2 image/vm


[api] [security] [linux]