The Weekly Dev - 202202

API and Certificates

On into the new year, that doesn't really promise to be much better than the previous one. The new is not necessarily good by itself, a lot of good teachings come from past mistakes, and the willingness to look the present through their lens.

For the digital sphere, here a couple of interesting reads:

Frankenstein APIs Explained

A bright writeup about "Frankenstein APIs", that is to say: the spreading of unofficial APIs for services that everyone wants and/or needs for consumption by some sort of application.


The Original Cookie specification from 1997 was GDPR compliant

Some reflection on the Cookie as it was conceived in the far 1997, compared to today's debate on top of it.


Investigating CAN Bus Network Integrity in Avionics Systems

An old article about CAN bus security in the avionic field.


Cool But Obscure Unix Tools

A nice visual review of unix terminal tools that are either uncommon, or whose usefulness is somewhat obscured from more documented, suboptimal alternatives.


When a web PKI certificate won't cut it

A particularly unexplored angle about the usage of PKI and when (not) to rely on publicly recognized Certification Autorities.


[api] [certificate] [gdpr] [security] [git]