The Weekly Dev - 202152

Setting the standard

I understand the title might sound a bit too vague and void. "The Weekly Dev" cares about technical solutions (namely: software) that are hackable and enable a deeper level of understanding.

We don't want to either 'be used' by our software, nor from software (cloud?) companies. We want to be on top of it, be able to interact and mess with the code.

Below the resources that have caught our attention at this time.

How to install Anbox on Debian

AnBox is an Android simulator integrated with your operating system, in order to enable you to call Android applications from within a virtual machine like they were actually available directly as standalone applications. Useful both if you want to use Android apps on your main computer, or if you want to confortably test your applications on a desktop.

The guide illustrate how to get that to work on a Debian machine.


JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are Dangerous for User Sessions

With Single Page Applications, JWT tokens are all the rage. But, as it comes out, they're neither the simplest, nor the safest way to go. Plus, revocating JWT tokens is a mostly unsolved problem. An interesting perspective in this writeup from Redis Labs.

Source: Redis Labs (

Backup with IPFS

A glimpse at what can be achieved with the Interplanetary Filesystem, aka: IPFS. For example, implementing an efficient data backup between machines that are not directly connected nor have to know each other.

Food for thougths: what else possibly can be implemented in IPFS, like distributed artifactories and deployments...


Risk of exposed home automation services

An interesting writeup on the theme of domestic IOT security.


Bind9 Logs On Debian & Ubuntu

One of the cornerstone for building your own infrastructure is to have your own DNS resolver, rather than relying on external one. This article touches a few points about DNS logs with Bind, in case you decide to go this way.

