The Weekly Dev - 202151


From this week, I start experimenting with a new format of weekly postings.

The aim is to provide a curated collection of links to external resources whose content is deemed to be relevant, promote discussion and culture in general. Technology as a medium is neutral by itself, it can definitely be used for good or bad, but the accent here is rather on a deliberate, constructive use of technology, enabling freedom and understanding.

Understanding Certificate Pinning

In a world where CA are out of our hands, and sometimes can be broken, an understanding of Certificate Pinning can help to implement and ship applications that are actually secure and resistant to MITM attacks.


Developing a Javascript-free frontend

Interesting experiment (not so much experimental, if you look at the sources of this very website) about building "javascriptless" websites. The author of the article goes the long distance to explain how to get a nice, curated UX experience, while not producing soul-crushing javascript blobs to download in the frontend by the browser. A real gem worth reading and to start getting your hands dirty and do the same thing.


An Embedded Data Compression Library

In embedded systems, space is always tight. Adding pennies of extra storage can be enough to kill a budget (when multiplied by hundreds of thousands or even millions of units), so available space has to be used effectively.

Interesting description of a library for embedded microprocessor that performs Data Compression, with an eye for the size of the lib, of course.


The Reactive Monolith - How to Move from CRUD to Event Sourcing

An interesting excursion into the land of Event Sourcing.


How To Upgrade To Debian 11 Bullseye From Debian 10 Buster

Clear instructions on how to migrate in practice from Debian 10 to Debian 11. Useful in hindsight also for future migrations.


[java] [certificate]